Sunday, January 30, 2011

Missouri vs Texas: Rewind

This loss...well was tough. I tried to wash it away by seeing Mizzou beat Nebraska in wrestling and we lost 17-16, but thats neither here nor there. Lets revisit my keys to the game from last night

Keys to the Win (Missouri):
1. Come out fast : This obviously did not happen, they went down 10-0 to start...which couldnt happen.
2. Bring your lunchpail, get to the glass: We got out rebounded 28-40, these stats are inflated when we couldnt buy a basket. We got out rebounded offensively 13-9 which is fairly even.
3. Tempo. Tempo. Tempo.: The pace was 67 possetions, this played into Texas hands perfectly.

Number 1 and 3 we obviously didn't do well on, and number 2 we were close but not where I want us to be.

Keys to Win (Texas):
1. Shut down the point: Pressey had a good game, but Dixon did not. So they did that fairly well.
2. Slllloooowwww it down: The pace was at 67 possessions, right where Texas averages.
3. Get Ratliffe and Bowers in foul trouble early: They got Ratliffe into foul trouble, and literally knocked out Bowers.

They did all 3 things effectively. Thats about it. Missouri shot the ball terribly and who knows...if one shot goes in at some point in the second half any thing could have happened. Texas kept the tigers in the game with foul shooting. Next up for Mizzou: @Oklahoma State on Wednesday

1 comment:

Kody said...

Thats the problem.... We dont know how to rebound.