Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It is Time.

The term "it is time" seems very broad, but on the University of Missouri campus this week it means one thing...saturday night at Farout Field. Since 1982, Mizzou has only beaten Oklahoma two times...that is not a typo. Oklahoma always seems to be standing in the way as Missouri starts to get momentum going. 2007 they are the only team to beat us shoot we were 30 minutes away from a National Championship appearance. They have always knocked us around, even stomping out our chances of a final 4 appearance once. If there was one team that seems to be our kryptonite that school is the University of Oklahoma. The national media isn't giving us a shot this weekend, the bowl projections on espn.com had us listed as going to the insight bowl...what kind of garbage is that? This school may be one of the most overlooked and disrespected in all of college sports, in the 17 year history of College Gameday their stage has never graced the campus in Columbia.

On 10/23/10, everything will change.

This Missouri team is different, they may not score like the Daniel era but they can play D and Blaine Gabbert is a capable QB that can spread the field and make the throws. If you only listen to the media #1 Oklahoma is going to come into the zou and smash us, we won't even stand a chance. You know we haven't played anybody, we don't have any playmakers...blah, blah, blah. Texas A&M was favored over us, but when we beat them suddenly they are not a good team anymore. The playmakers look different then they did a few years ago, we have a tougher than nails WR TJ (wait for it) Moe, we have a great TE in Egneeeeeeeew, and we have a young RB corp that will grow up before our eyes this year. This team is here to stay.

Basically what I am saying is, this game is going to either throw us in the national spotlight or send us back a few steps. The bright lights of the Zou will be on national TV, the campus is going to be featured on College Gameday. If there was ever a time to make a HUGE statement, the time is Saturday. Thats right Missouri, it is time to make a stand. If you are reading this, and are able to go to Gameday on saturday morning. We need you there, we have to show the country that we have a fan base. No matter where you are...WEAR GOLD, no black, no white, freaking GOLD. We have to show unity on Saturday, We are Missouri. This may be the most important home game in a long time, we cannot let this opportunity slip through our fingers. So rest up the rest of this week because when Saturday comes...It Is War.


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