Monday, October 11, 2010


I had a mild panic attack last night, as I looked at the week ahead of me.

  • Monday: Class, Zou Crew Sign Ups (the basketball student section), work, more class, RHA meetings, Hall Congress and the maybe some quick studying 
  • Tuesday: Class, Exam, Tutoring session, study
  • Wednesday: Study, Study, Study, FIG thing
  • Thursday: Exam, Class, NFL Club, Chi Alpha Small Group
  • Friday: Class, and some work.
I was laying in bed trying to go to sleep, and all of this was super unsettling. I mean 2 exams in a week, with all of that staring me in the face! I have no time! AHHH! Then I put it up to God, I told him that I really needed some help right now. That I am going to be super stressed all week if I dont get some sort of break! This morning I got a text from one of my supervisors at work saying I didn't have to come in. This opens up a ton of my day, that is going to be used as hardcore studying time! You never know what a little prayer can do! I got signed up for the BEST basketball student section in the Big 12, and I will have a Kansas ticket...SO PUMPED! Im going to start my studying at the library now. Wish me luck!

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