Wednesday, October 27, 2010


So, Zou Crew orientation is tonight, and the Black and Gold scrimmage is tomorrow night. I am so pumped. I understand that the football team is great right now, but this basketball team is going to be very fun to watch. We lost 3 major players in Zaire Taylor, JT Tiller, and Keith Ramsey. Though we bring back the bulk of our scoring with Kimmie English, Marcus Denmon, and Justin Safford. We have returning big man Steeeeve Moore who has come back this season in better shape and is ready to straight ball. Then when you add one of the best recruiting classes in the country with PG Phil Pressey, JuCo transfer F Riccardo Ratliffe, and then top 15 recruit Tony Mitchell once he joins the team (hopefully) in January. This team is very underrated, getting voted 5th in the preseason Big XII poll. Expect this team to be much better than that, they are very solid and have alot of experience. There will be plenty of analysis and excitement about this team on my blog as the season goes on, but their is a ton of excitement on campus this week!

Flipping sports, I am so frustrated on how biased ESPN has been this football season. Lets start out with the poll they use on their bottomline and in promos. They ALWAYS used the AP poll until this season when suddenly the BCS matters so much more to them because they own tv rights, its a minor point but its annoying. Secondly, the talking heads will say something about Missouri and they say  "Who have they played" WE BEAT F***ING OKLAHOMA! they were freaking number 1 and they still question us saying "they obviously weren't a number 1 team" if they aren't a number one team, why did you advertise them as such. We beat A&M and OU but they blow those wins off because wait a second those teams lost to Missouri...they cant be that good! Then on the BCS show Sunday night Kirk Herbstreit said “If Missouri is a great team by beating Oklahoma, Boise State would handle Missouri”. What? This man was praising how good Oklahoma was a week ago, now that they have lost to Missouri they are terrible. This same man was asking who Missouri has played, but does he ask himself who Boise State has played?  They beat Virginia Tech, they lost to a FCS school. For some bazaar reason he wants to ignore strength of schedule for a non BCS school because they don't have a choice and they are actually a good team...but on the flip side, we knocked off ESPNs number 1 team and he will not give us respect. All we can do is win to get respect but ESPN only wants traditional teams and non BCS schools to be good, they will try their hardest to make it that way. I really feel we are on the road of being screwed in the BCS 2007 style, I hope that doesn't happen. It just feels like it could happen.

Its a Great Time to Be a Tiger.
Shuck Nebraska!

Monday, October 25, 2010

The deeper meaning to October 23rd 2010.

Electricity. In one word, thats how you would describe this weekend...not just saturday night at farout field but the entire experience. The quad was absolutely rocking when the gameday crew came on tv. Multiply that times 100 and thats what you got at the stadium saturday night. Pre-game was louder than most games. When the tigers came out of the gate...the crowd shot off like a cannon, and seconds later when we ran the opening kickoff back it was the loudest, most amazing moment I have ever experienced. October 23rd, 2010 will always be remembered by the Mizzou faithful. Not all because we beat any #1 team in the country, but because who it was.

Let me take you back to October 11th, 2003. This is when the program jumped the first hurdle towards becoming legitimate. In the first time in 24 years, we beat the University of Nebraska. I credit that night as the night the momentum started. Then we beat them in 2005, then 2007, then 2008. The thing is part of the game of football is completely mental, before 2003 we didn't think we belonged on the same field as Nebraska. We kept jumping hurdles since that night in 2003, but Saturday night at the Zou was one of the biggest ones yet. As discussed in a previous post...they knocked us out of a championship game, they beat us 19 out of 20 times. Up through the Chase Daniel era we didn't think we could hang with the traditional power that is Oklahoma or Texas. This team thinks they can play with anybody in the country, which is really good.

Many of the students rushed the field because Oklahoma was number 1, not really knowing the true history behind the game. That is not why I rushed, I rushed because that night started a new era in Missouri Football, I rushed because we finally got the monkey off of our backs, I rushed because this is our year, this is our time. The 71,004 people that witnessed the game live and the 18,000 that saw College Gameday will never forget the noise, the insanity, the nervousness, and the sheer ecstasy that was October 23rd, 2010.

The Road to Glendale stops in Lincoln, Nebraska this weekend as the Tigers battle the Huskers in a game to surely decide the Big XII north title. Ill have more about that later this week...Go Tigers!

Friday, October 22, 2010

As Gameday Approches...I feel like this post feels just right.

Every True Son
So happy hearted, skys aboves us are blue
Theres a spirit so deep within us, Old Missouri heres to you!
And when the band plays the Tigers War Song, and when the Fray is through...
We will TRAMP TRAMP TRAMP around the columns with a cheer for Old Mizzou

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It is Time.

The term "it is time" seems very broad, but on the University of Missouri campus this week it means one thing...saturday night at Farout Field. Since 1982, Mizzou has only beaten Oklahoma two times...that is not a typo. Oklahoma always seems to be standing in the way as Missouri starts to get momentum going. 2007 they are the only team to beat us shoot we were 30 minutes away from a National Championship appearance. They have always knocked us around, even stomping out our chances of a final 4 appearance once. If there was one team that seems to be our kryptonite that school is the University of Oklahoma. The national media isn't giving us a shot this weekend, the bowl projections on had us listed as going to the insight bowl...what kind of garbage is that? This school may be one of the most overlooked and disrespected in all of college sports, in the 17 year history of College Gameday their stage has never graced the campus in Columbia.

On 10/23/10, everything will change.

This Missouri team is different, they may not score like the Daniel era but they can play D and Blaine Gabbert is a capable QB that can spread the field and make the throws. If you only listen to the media #1 Oklahoma is going to come into the zou and smash us, we won't even stand a chance. You know we haven't played anybody, we don't have any playmakers...blah, blah, blah. Texas A&M was favored over us, but when we beat them suddenly they are not a good team anymore. The playmakers look different then they did a few years ago, we have a tougher than nails WR TJ (wait for it) Moe, we have a great TE in Egneeeeeeeew, and we have a young RB corp that will grow up before our eyes this year. This team is here to stay.

Basically what I am saying is, this game is going to either throw us in the national spotlight or send us back a few steps. The bright lights of the Zou will be on national TV, the campus is going to be featured on College Gameday. If there was ever a time to make a HUGE statement, the time is Saturday. Thats right Missouri, it is time to make a stand. If you are reading this, and are able to go to Gameday on saturday morning. We need you there, we have to show the country that we have a fan base. No matter where you are...WEAR GOLD, no black, no white, freaking GOLD. We have to show unity on Saturday, We are Missouri. This may be the most important home game in a long time, we cannot let this opportunity slip through our fingers. So rest up the rest of this week because when Saturday comes...It Is War.


Thursday, October 14, 2010


This week has been really solid, busy, but solid. I am currently in the process of trying to decide which activities that I am going to keep, limit, and just get rid of all together. This is going to be a difficult thing to do.
I have:
  1. Tigers Lair/Zou Crew- These are literary 2 of my favorite things on campus. I am going to be watching the games anyways....why not go!
  2. My Job- Obviously cannot get rid of the job, but I really enjoy it!
  3. NFL Club- This club is the most expendable on the list, I like going and talking football (and various other stuff) but it clogs up my Thursday nights a little bit.
  4. Hall Government/RHA- I am an elected official for these clubs, though I wish this was expendable, I have a responsibility to go to these meetings
  5. Chi Alpha- I love this group. God+Good People=Baller. Though attending all of the events will be a little difficult, so I will probably limit how often I go to the Worship services
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions.

I can see the light that is Saturday...that means some football breakdown.

Mizzou vs Texas A&M

This weeks game takes the 21st ranked Tigers deep into the heart of Texas to take on the Aggies. The A&M team are much better than there ranking. Their losses are a last second FG to OSU, and a narrow defeat to a highly ranked Arkansas team. There are three major questions. Is Gabbert going to be 100%? Is the D going to play lights out again? Can the run game get going? We need 3 yes answers to get a win in College Station. I am not going to lie, this game makes me really nervous. The team could definitely be looking ahead to Homecoming vs OU, possibly being a College Gameday location and a primetime ABC game. Though I think we can pull it out, hey look were goin' bowling!

Mizzou 35 Texas A&M 21

Chiefs vs Houston

Coming off a tough loss in Indy, this team should bounce back well. My main point of contention is if Matt Cassel can move the ball. The Texans pass D is ranked 32nd of 32 teams. We can and should beat this team.

Kansas City 21 Houston 17

Quick extra note...has anybody seen the new Tigers Basketball jerseys? They are SWEET! Here are the Home Whites and Road GOLD! (the white article you have to go down for the pics, the Gold is on an article talking about Big 12 Preseason Newcomer of the Year Ricardo Ratliffe! If you can't tell I am super pumped for basketball season, first practice starts tomorrow!

Monday, October 11, 2010


I had a mild panic attack last night, as I looked at the week ahead of me.

  • Monday: Class, Zou Crew Sign Ups (the basketball student section), work, more class, RHA meetings, Hall Congress and the maybe some quick studying 
  • Tuesday: Class, Exam, Tutoring session, study
  • Wednesday: Study, Study, Study, FIG thing
  • Thursday: Exam, Class, NFL Club, Chi Alpha Small Group
  • Friday: Class, and some work.
I was laying in bed trying to go to sleep, and all of this was super unsettling. I mean 2 exams in a week, with all of that staring me in the face! I have no time! AHHH! Then I put it up to God, I told him that I really needed some help right now. That I am going to be super stressed all week if I dont get some sort of break! This morning I got a text from one of my supervisors at work saying I didn't have to come in. This opens up a ton of my day, that is going to be used as hardcore studying time! You never know what a little prayer can do! I got signed up for the BEST basketball student section in the Big 12, and I will have a Kansas ticket...SO PUMPED! Im going to start my studying at the library now. Wish me luck!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Chiefs/Colts Immediate Reaction

Are you kidding me. The D shut down the Indy Offense all game, and we couldn't take advantage. We had to take control of the game when we could, and we let it slip away. That was unacceptable. Maybe I should be happy that we hung with the Colts in Indy for 3 and half quarters, but I can't be the way that game happened. There are some major plays that shaped this game.

1. The Onside Kick: I like that call by Haley. Go for the ball, keep it out of mannings hands. It was just poor execution, no complaints.

2. The 4th Down Play: Its the first quarter, our D just made a goal line stand, and we just drove all the way down the field. So tell me why we wouldn't just take the 3, knowing our O isnt going to play like that all day? The 4th down stop gave Indys D a needed lift after that drive. 3 points left on the field.

3. The Mcgraw INT: Huge momentum swing, the Indy Offense couldn't get ANYTHING going and now we have the ball inside the Indy 30 but...

4. The Bowe TD Drop: This is the turning point of the game, the play after the INT we go for the kill shot. The corner doesn't have a clue where the ball is, the ball slips through Bowes hands in the endzone, incomplete. All the Arrowhead Nation has heard this offseason is how Bowe is getting much better by giving more effort and not dropping balls. Obviously, the preseason hype was not true. If you want to shed the label that you cannot catch a pass, than you need to MAKE BIG CATCHES! That would have won the game for the Chiefs no doubt about it. It would have been a knockout punch, and it would have felt great.

5. The Indy Touchdown: Game Over.

Hopefully, we can bounce back in Houston next weekend. But until then, the focus is going to be on D-Bowe to see if he can catch D-Ball.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


So I am so pumped right now, and it is 6 and a half hours till kickoff. I will be down at gate 4E at about 12:30 which seems ridiculous, mostly because it is. But in the words of my buddy Ryan "Its a great time to be a tiger!" I cannot agree with that more. This afternoon a 5 star basketball recruit from the class of 2012 will be on campus, his name is Jarnell Stokes. He will be playing with the team in an open scrimmage at Mizzou Arena at 3, there is a small chance I will be able to make it which would be awesome. On to football, there would be nothing better than to watch Colorado get smoked today since this is there last time coming to CoMo in a long time. I really want to start a "Big 12 rejects" chant, that would be classic.

Yesterday was a really good day. I had lunch with my friend Chris, and then went on to the Chi Alpha Hayride. It was kind of nice to get out of the city, and just talk with some good friends around the campfire. It was also fun teaching International students the American delicacy that is the S'more. I described it to a kid from China, he got really excited and said where do I get a marshmallow?! It was really cool kind of showing our culture to students who have never been to anything quite like that. I am sooo glad that I got involved with the Chi Alpha campus ministry, there are so many great people that I have met. I just get the feeling that God wants me at Mizzou and he wants me involved with this group, and that is a great feeling.

Its A Great Day To Be A Tiger!! MIZ!! ZOU!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

A couple new things.

The URL was taken when I started making this site. I went to look at it, and there are posts by me, in 2004. Good Times

I just got done with a solid bible study...more to come on that.

Only one class tomorrow, having lunch with Chi Alpha leader Chris, then maybe a hayride? Should be fun.

Time to start studying. Go Tigers!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The First Post

How can my first idea on my first blob not be about The 3-0 Chiefs, yes the three win zero loss Kansas City Chiefs!! I can honestly attribute the fast start to a long list of things

1.The new coordnators
3.The City of Saint Joseph
4. Larry Johnson/Jamaal Charles/Thomas Jones
5. A MUCH improved run defense with an extra year of experience in the 34

We will learn a ton about this team in the next few weeks, including can Matt Cassell legitly throw a football. At the moment we are the last undefeated team in the National Football League, let that sink in. The Chiefs have a entire game lead on the entire NFL, which feels nice. Currently, none of the national media is giving the Chiefs any respect at all, which may be deserved but for now LIVE IT UP KANSAS CITY...because if the season were only 3 weeks long, and there was no playoff...we would be champions. 

Im not going to go in depth with the Mizzou Non-Con all I have to say is TJ (wait for it) MOE!!!

The new Weezer CD entitled Hurley came out a couple of weeks ago. It is baller. The band finally starts to come back to the Pinkerton roots, which is well taken. My favorite songs on the album are Memories, Unspoken, Where's my sex?, and Smart Girls.

Song of the Week: Stand Tall- The Dirty Heads

Weekend Predictions:

The Kansas City Chiefs (3-0) hit the road after the bye week and take on the Colts (2-2). In all honesty the media is giving us a 0-5 % chance to pull the upset. Granted, Manning NEVER loses two games in a row. The Colts Run D is very weak, and they are about to face the number 3 running team in the league. On the flip side, The Chiefs have a weak secondary, and the Colts have a very strong air attack. If Mattie Cassel can limit mistakes, Run-DMC and Jamaal Charles can ball like they have been, and if we can get a little bit of luck, maybe there could be an upset.

Prediction: Kansas City 25 Indy 24

The Tigers (4-0) are also coming off a bye week and are going to take on the Colorado Buffalos (3-1). This will be the FINAL time these two teams will meet head to head on the gridiron. Colorado is coming off a win against a very weak Georgia team (the fans actually stormed the field after the win...joke right?) and honestly havent put up very great numbers. B-Gab will not let anything dumb happen this week.

Prediction: Mizzou 38 Colorado 14

Upset of the Week: #14 Florida over #12 LSU  

A non sports related blog should be up sometime tomorrowish.

Back to the homework!